I often think about heaven - perhaps because I am getting older. And while the Scriptures describe heaven as a remarkable place, I am in no particular hurry to get there. I did, however, make a list of the ten things I don’t want for God to ask me when I finally arrive in my heavenly home and stand before Him.
My list reminds me that if I want to hear God say to me “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matt. 25:21), then I have to live in such a way that will make it possible for Him to say these words to me.
So, here is my list of ten tough questions I hope I don’t have to answer in heaven:
10. Why did you make so many excuses? | Making excuses is one thing most of us do best. It’s something we instinctively do to try to get ourselves off the hook when we feel someone is reeling us in on the line of accountability. Excuses release us from obligations, keep us from fulfilling our duty, and ultimately distance us from our potential. I don’t want to go through life making excuses about why I failed to do what I should have done. I need to own my failures, learn from them, and move on. No excuses!
9. Why did you blame others? | Blaming others started in the garden…(Click here to read the rest of the list of Omar’s questions that he hopes God will never ask him over at his Go Beyond Blog).