The world can be a frightening place. Sometimes, we let our fear get the best of us and paralyze us into inactivity. The answer to fear is courage. Courage doesn’t mean “not being afraid” but rather “the ability to act in spite of your fears.” The Bible is full of exhortation to choose courage. There are five key figures in the Christmas Story who had reason to fear but instead chose courage. Each of them were faced with something different to fear, but looking at how they handled it, we can learn to follow their examples and choose courage in the midst of the hard times in our lives that tempt us to fear and to give up.
This curriculum covers the following:
1. Courage to Persevere: Zacharias (Luke 1:18-24)
2. Courage to Serve: Joseph (Matthew 1:18-25; 2:13-15, 19-23)
3. Courage to Submit: Mary (Luke 1:26-38)
4. Courage to Wait: Simeon and Anna (Luke 2:21-38)
5. Courage to Seek: Magi (Matthew 2:1-12)

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