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How to Approach the Porn Conversation  

Approaching the conversation about porn with your kids can feel messy and awkward.  This resource is taken from our partner organization, The Freedom Fight.  The Freedom Fight is helping parents fight against pornography addiction in their families.

Start early. 

A great resource is the book Good Pictures, Bad Pictures by Jenson and Poyner. It is designed for children 7-12 and explains pornography in an age-appropriate way. It is important for parents to make both the porn talk and the sex talk ongoing dialogues instead of a one-time talk. I recommend sharing the concept that there are good pictures and bad pictures out there when your child is five or six. Help them understand that sex is a good gift from God to be enjoyed in marriage. I know of one dad who reads this book to his kids each year and the conversation deepens each year and continues to keep the dialogue open. 

Deshame the topic. 

Your kids should know they can talk to you about it. Invite your kids to share with you when they see a bad picture. They need to feel comfortable asking you about images or videos they might see from friends or on the internet. Without your involvement, they are left to figure it out on their own. The shame many kids feel when they see these graphic images cause them to start keeping secrets.  

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