Step One: Write a Note
Writing a note to your neighbors and putting it on their door is a simple way to connect and reach out during this time. Make sure you include a way for them to contact you.
Sample Note:
Hey Neighbors –
David and I hope that each of you are doing well and staying healthy. Needless to say, these are unusual days and it looks like they will continue through April. I know all of us are trying our best to adhere to the Stay Home Work Safe guidelines for our county in order to keep ourselves and others safe while taking care of our families. Because of all the challenges right now, I thought it might be helpful if we got a group text going so we can easily stay in touch. This will enable us to check in on one another, let all of us know if anyone needs something, or mabye even just coordinate a socially distant evening coffee hour in the cul-de-sac to get out of the house and visit. If you’re interested, please send me your name, the names of everyone living in your house, and your address, one cell phone number per household, and I’ll get the group text started.
David and Sally Jones (son-Jacob, daughter-Gabby)
(Copy the note above and safely distribute it to your neighbors.)

Step Two: Map out your street