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Teaching Kids to Understand Their Place in Worship

Growing up in a family of music ministers and music missionaries, I developed a deep love for worship at a young age. My grandfather and my father were particularly influential in teaching me about worship, how to love like Jesus and how to serve the church well. Now that I have children of my own, I’ve spent a significant amount of time reflecting on and praying about what I desire for my kids to understand about worship. As they grow in their love for the Lord and in how they respond to Him through worship; here are 3 truths I hope my kids remember about their rightful place in worship.

God’s place as Sovereign over all.

For everything was created by him, in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities — all things have been created through him and for him. Colossians 1:16

Thinking of the magnitude of who God is and what He has done is overwhelming, to say the least. On this side of eternity, we will never be able to scratch the surface of understanding Him. When I reflect on God’s character, His creation, and His power, I am in complete awe of who He is and simultaneously amazed that He would long to be in a relationship with me.

Whether you’re taking in a beautiful sunset or personally have a moment of gratitude for the Lord’s kindness, make it a regular practice to audibly acknowledge the goodness of God when you’re with your kids. Not only does this serve as a great reminder of His sovereignty, but it cultivates a heart of gratitude for the gift of knowing Him.

My place as a recipient of His grace.

We’re far worse than we ever imagined, and far more loved than we could ever dream. – Tim Keller

When I look at who God is and where I would be without His grace, I cannot help but be humbled. I have learned that nothing in this life is about me — and it shouldn’t be. But because of my sin and my humanity, I have the tendency to forget my rightful place. It’s easy to feel that my opinions should carry a significant amount of weight, whether we’re talking about how situations should be handled or what songs should be sung on a Sunday morning. The truth is this: God’s glory should be my goal. Trying to place my desires above His glory puts my pride on full display. Because of this, it is crucial to remember my depravity without His grace.

Modeling humility to our children is crucial, especially in a culture that is putting more of an emphasis on self. Remind them that we’re all in need of Jesus’s saving grace by apologizing and seeking forgiveness in front of them.

My response to His Sovereignty and Grace.

Deuteronomy 6:5-9 talks not only about loving the Lord with all of our hearts; it gives instruction on how to remember to love God throughout our daily interactions. When we practice remembering what God has done in our lives, our natural response is a desire to praise and joyfully serve Him. Additionally, I want my outward expression to align with my heart as I worship. When we read about praise throughout scripture, there is no restraint from the praises of God’s people. My prayer is that as we love God more and respond to Him, we would be open to fully pour out our hearts and our lives to Him, no matter how undignified it may seem to those around us.

When you’re worshiping with your family, I encourage you to let your inward posture towards the Lord be expressed outwardly. Share the stories of God’s faithfulness in your own life to your children so they can take notice of how He is meeting their own personal needs. Your authenticity and consistency in daily worship is the greatest example you can offer your children as they learn their place as a worshiper of God.

Leslyn Jacks
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