A good man once said, “every challenge is an opportunity.” With social distancing being a real thing for us in the days and weeks ahead, we are going to be spending a significant amount of time together at home. We can either see this as a terrible challenge or an incredible opportunity. We put together a list of ways you can be intentional and create meaningful time with your family.
Things to Do Inside:
Leverage your extra time to make lasting memories. Here are some ways to connect, laugh and enjoy each other. You will have time for mindless things, but do something intentional during the day to connect instead.
Younger Kids
- Board Games
- Lego
- Nerf Wars
- Hide and Go Seek
- Read Aloud
- Draw, Color or Paint
Older Kids
- Watch a new series online that THEY like
- If they play video games, join them
- More challenging board games
- Cook together
- Puzzles
Things to Do Outside:
Younger Kids
- Bike Rides
- Walks
- Park Fun
- Chalk
- Bubbles
Older Kids
- Pickup Basketball/Football
- Workouts
- Fishing
- Water Balloons
- Yard Work
- New Hiking Trail
- State Parks
Things to Teach Your Kids:
- Housework / Chores
- Cooking / Grilling
- Woodworking
- Sewing / Crafts
- School Work
- How to have a quiet time
- Read the Bible
- Self–discipline and creating a personal schedule