Church Leaders,
This season of life is something none of us would have asked for and something we hope is over soon. In the midst of the crisis, however, is an unprecedented opportunity to demonstrate a central call of our faith: to love our neighbors.
Simple connections and acts of kindness can give hope to the discouraged, create new friendships, and even open the door for life-changing conversations.
“Love… Where You Live” is a simple initiative championed by several churches in Katy and West Houston in the midst of our “Shelter in Place” experience.
It includes a two-Sunday message emphasis that many are kicking off right after Easter, and four weeks of intentional connections and caring prayers for our neighbors.
Imagine a cul-de-sac of families “socially distanced” in their driveways, but sharing stories about their lives. Imagine children giving concerts at curbside on their instruments from the school band. Imagine a widow who lives alone with the new assurance that she has others walking through this with her. And imagine a community of believers praying for their neighbors every day —by name and by need, because they’ve taken the time to listen.
We think the call to “Love… Where You Live” is more important right now than it’s ever been. Will you join us?
Pastor Ryan Rush | Senior Pastor, Kingsland Baptist Church
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Love… Where You Live
It is crucial to follow the CDC instructions at all times when interacting with neighbors. Following these guidelines is the best thing we can do to protect ourselves and the most vulnerable among us.
Wash your hands with soap often and avoid touching your face.
Maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from others.
Avoid having people outside your immediate family into your home.
Limit touches to hard surfaces that others may have touched and wipe down surfaces when in doubt.
If you are not feeling healthy, self-quarantine and avoid contact with others.

Mapping Your Street
Step One: Write a Note Writing a note to your neighbors and putting it on their door is a simple ...

Prayer Guide
Prayer Guide Imagine what it would be like if no one prayed for you. Imagine what it would be like ...

Creative Ideas
Below are some ideas that have worked for others that may get you started. It is crucial to follow the ...

COVID-19 Neighboring Toolkit
"What if Jesus meant that we should love our actual neighbors?" Jay Pathak & Dave Runyon, authors of The Art ...

Sermon Guides
We’ve been given two powerful commands as Christians. First, the “Great Commission”… “Go and make disciples…” Second, the “Great Commandment”… ...

Graphic Package
Download the graphic package as you promote, share and empower your church to Love... Where They Live ...