Here is a fun Family Devotional to accompany the movie A Bug’s Life
In the movie A Bug’s Life, there are many wonderful themes to discuss with your children. Watch this movie together, then use the tools below to have a short devotional.
“The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 12:12
Have you ever worked on a group project where each person had a special contribution to make and when you put it together it became a whole amazing presentation?! Each person brought a unique piece to contribute and it fit together perfectly, like a puzzle. As believers of Christ, 1 Corinthians 12 tells us we have been gifted spiritual gifts by the Holy Spirit. These gifts are special abilities that are to be used to minister to the needs of those around us. When each of us use our gifts, we build up Christ’s body, the Church. Part of the exciting adventure of following Christ is discovering our special gift and making it available to God for his use. The gifts he gives us help us show His love to those around us, like our friends, family, and neighbors.
Had Flik, the circus bugs, and the other colony ants not used their gifts to come together and defeat Hopper, they may have remained under Hopper’s oppression and control for much, much longer!
1 Corinthians 12:26 reminds us that we are to encourage and support those around us. We can’t keep God’s love to ourselves, we are called to get involved in the lives of others and bring light to their lives. “If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad.”
Discussion Questions:
1. How do you think Flik felt when the ants laughed at his inventions?
2. When do you feel most excited and joyful about working with others?
3. What is a way you can encourage a friend or neighbor today?
4. Has there been a time when you tried to face a problem alone and it was really hard? What did you do?
5. What is something a family member does that brings you encouragement to do your best?
Going Deeper:
Read 1 Corinthians 12 as a family and take a look at a few of the many spiritual gifts given to believers by the Holy Spirit.
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