Tarzan Discussion Questions
During the first song in the movie, the stage is set for Tarzan to be orphaned and adopted by the gorillas. You may want to watch this part before your younger children so you can decide if it’s appropriate for their age and/or sensibilities.
• Who is your favorite character? Why?
• When Tarzan defeated Sabor, why did he put the leopard at the feet of Kerchak? (Deut 5:16 tells us to honor our parents. Even though Kerchak wasn’t really Tarzan’s father, he was the leader of his “family”.)
• Proverbs 17:17 says: “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a difficult time.” What were some instances in the movie that the characters really showed true friendship? (Tarzan going back to protect the gorillas from Clayton. Terk and Tantor going out to the boat to rescue Tarzan, Jane and Professor Archimedes.)
•Isaiah 31:5 tells us, “The Lord of Heaven’s Armies will hover over Jerusalem and protect it like a bird protecting its nest. He will defend and save the city; he will pass over it and rescue it.” How did you see Kerchak protecting his gorilla family? What did he tell Tarzan when he felt that Tarzan was putting his people in danger? (Much like God using his Heavenly Armies to protect Jerusalem, our families here on Earth should protect us the best ways they can!)
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