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Preparation is important! We spend time packing for vacation, we make meticulous Pinterest boards for birthday parties, we schedule time for numerous soccer practices so that our team can score the winning goal. Whether we thrive off of the planning process or ignore it until it becomes a necessary burden, no one can deny that most important things in life have a time frame of prepping beforehand. Easter is no different. Holy Week is the week leading up to Easter Sunday, a week full of preparation for arguably the most important event in the Christian faith. This week is so important that over a third of the cumulative Gospels focus on the final week of Jesus’ life on earth. With this in mind, we have created a guide to help your family do some spiritual preparation during this significant week.

Carve out a few minutes of your family’s day to do a short scripture reading, talk through some discussion questions, and end your time praying together. Your family will also get to use the included decoder to reveal a symbol from each day’s reading. We have everything written out for you. Each day you and your family will learn about a different event that happened during Jesus’ final week leading up to the crucifixion. We pray that this will give you and your family a chance to prepare your hearts to celebrate Jesus and His resurrection. Begin the Sunday before Easter Sunday.

Purchase Spyglass decoders here!


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Holy Week Easter Bible Reading Plan

Holy Week Easter Bible Reading Plan

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Detective Devo Easter Edition

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Discussing Christ’s Death with Your Children

Discussing Christ’s Death with Your Children

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The Lord's Supper - A Family Resource

The Lord’s Supper – A Family Resource

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Journey to the Cross Family Activity

Journey to the Cross Family Activity

Holy week is a time to prepare your heart to reflect upon the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  ...
Holy Week Download: Preparing for the Empty Tomb

Holy Week Download: Preparing for the Empty Tomb

Holy week is a time to prepare your heart to reflect upon the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  ...
Holy Week Resurrection Story

Holy Week Resurrection Story

Holy Week Resurrection Story On each day of this guide, you will find a passage of Scripture to look up ...
Emoji Easter Family Devotional

Emoji Easter Family Devotional

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Defending The Resurrection

Defending The Resurrection

Defending the Resurrection Follow along by clicking on the images below to download the notes and/or handouts. Check out more ...
Journey to the Cross (English & Spanish)

Journey to the Cross (English & Spanish)

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Take Home Lord's Supper (English & Spanish)

Take Home Lord’s Supper (English & Spanish)

Download the PDF or follow along below. From the earliest days of the Church, the Lord’s Supper has been a ...
Holy Week Reading Plan

Holy Week Reading Plan

We have put together a reading plan for holy week that follows the final week of Jesus' life, death and ...
From Palms To Passover: An Easter Family Devotion

From Palms To Passover: An Easter Family Devotion

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Recursos para la Pascua

Recursos para la Pascua

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