Here is a simple Family Devotional to accompany the movie Finding Nemo.
With the following devotion, you can reinforce the spiritual component of this film.
In Finding Nemo, Nemo is a child who wants to get home to his father. Marlin, his father, also searches for his lost son, doing whatever it takes to be reunited with him. This mirrors God’s constant pursuit of each one of his children (or fish!).
Gather up plastic eggs, fill them with prizes and hide them around the room.
Call your children into the room and tell them, “I hid eggs all around this room. Go find all the eggs and bring them back to me!”
Once the kids have returned with the eggs, divide the eggs up for each child. “Wow! You were fast collecting those eggs! What made you want to find them so quickly? How did you feel as you were finding the eggs?”
“It can be really hard work to find something you have lost. Remember when I lost my cell phone (keys, wallet, etc.)? Was it hard to look for it? Why did you want to look for the thing that was lost?
We look for things even when it is hard because we care about finding them.”
“Remember watching Finding Nemo? Marlin, the dad, was looking for Nemo, and it was not easy. But he really wanted to find his son. And Marlin never gave up trying to find Nemo. Why do you think he kept trying to find him?”
“Marlin loved Nemo so much that he never gave up his search. God loves you and me so much that He never gives up looking for us—He would hunt everywhere to find us. Jesus told a story like Finding Nemo. We call it The Parable of the Lost Sheep.”
Read Luke 15:1-7.
Jesus said later that He “came to seek and save the lost.” Luke 19:10
“Just as Marlin looked for Nemo and you looked for lost eggs, Jesus is always looking for those who are lost so that He can save them. Jesus loves us so much—more than any parent or prize!”
“Dear God, thank you for searching for me and finding me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Adapted from Movie Clips for Kids The Sequel
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