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Prayer of Blessing

You are created in My Image. I know everything about you, and I fully accept you as
my son/daughter. I choose you to be Mine. I know where you are wounded, where
you have doubts, walls, and sin. None of this pushes me away from you. I love you
right where you are. You don’t need to do anything or change anything for me to
love and accept you. My love for you is greater than anything within you and
anything you have done or that has been done to you. My love for you has no limits
and can’t be measured. You are the one I relentlessly pursue.

I created you in a way that is special and unique. I have given you every spiritual
blessing in Christ. You are complete in Christ. Because your life is hidden in Christ,
you are holy and blameless in my sight. You are pure in my sight. You are radiant
and free of shame. I have made you victorious and given you access to my Kingdom,
an inheritance that can never be taken from you.

Your past does not define you. Your present does not define you. Your mistakes,
your failures, or your successes do not define you. I am the One who defines you
and I say you are my son/daughter in whom I am well-pleased. I am so proud of you.
I am so very proud that you are my son/my daughter.

I have such wonderful plans for your life. The way I created you and gifted you is
wonderful. I am using you to reveal my heart to other people. I am using you to
advance my Kingdom on earth. Your life has extreme purpose and value to my
Kingdom and to Me. I am working in you and through you in powerful ways. You are
a blessing to Me, but you are also a blessing to others. You were not only created to
receive my blessing but to have My grace to bless others.

I bless you my son/my daughter to receive the truth of who I say you are. I bless
you to walk in My Truth, in My ways, and by My Spirit. I bless you to walk out of any
darkness in your life and into My glorious light. I bless you to receive My healing,
My freedom, and My abundant life. I bless you my son/my daughter because I love
you and you are Mine.

May the Lord bless you and protect you; may the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; may the Lord look with favor on you and give you peace.

Numbers 6: 24-26

Susan Sowell
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