There are a variety of factors in your child’s life that could potentially contribute to feelings of being “pressed down,” which is one of the simplest definitions I’ve heard of depression. You and I at times have felt “pressed down” over the course of our lives and our children at any age are not immune to these overwhelmed emotional responses. The important thing to remember is that signs of depression in any aged individual are the visible result of many other underlying contributing factors.
The manifestation of depressive behavior that you see in your child rarely tends to be the true problem; it’s always something deeper.
If you have already done some research on common signs and symptoms in children who are depressed and still have concerns, I would highly recommend seeking professional help as you care for your child. Your church, as well as a trusted pediatrician, would be a great resource to reach out to for a referral to a local therapist who specializes in counseling or works with children and adolescents.
While also seeking outside support for your child, you may be wondering as a parent how you can incorporate the use of God’s Word to also minister to your child’s heart.
Below you will find scripture cards with 8 contributing emotional factors that could be part of the underlying cause of your child’s depression. For more on this topic, please read the full article: Using Scripture to Help Heal Your Child’s Heart.
Ginger Plowman; Wise Words for Moms, 2001; (Shepherd Press).
Kara Durbin, Parenting with Scripture (Chicago, IL: Moody, 2001), 218, 180, 216, 60, 74, 18, 200, 38, 76.
Sample Scripture Cards