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Biblical Manhood: Men of Courage Devotional

The Biblical Manhood Devotionals are a series of study guides created to be used by men in a small group setting.  The first in the series is Men of Courage. This study guide has been written with the sons of Issachar in mind. The kingdom of God needs men who understand the times — men who have the requisite courage and audacity to push back on a culture that seeks to redefine manhood. More than ever before, we need men who will embrace God’s vision and design for biblical manhood and who will shine as lights “in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation” (Phil. 2:15).

Why is this Important?

Men must do life in community with other men. Many men get into trouble because they do life alone. Alone is dangerous. Men must build community with a trusted band of brothers — men with whom they can pray, who will come alongside in times of trouble, and who will help hold them accountable.

The Challenge

Many men prefer to do life alone. Meeting with other men requires initiative and effort. While some churches occasionally address men’s issues or have a men’s gathering, it takes much more than that to lead men to embrace God’s vision and design for biblical manhood. Encouraging men to become a part of a band of brothers who study, serve, and share adventures will result in building stronger men.

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