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Biblical Manhood Devotional Series

The Biblical Manhood Devotionals are a series of study guides created to be used by men in a small group setting. The word that we pray for men in the church is ALIGNMENT. There is something dangerous about having misalignment in the life of a man.  When our knowledge is not aligned with our behaviors, that misalignment can cause all kinds of problems at home. When our inner thoughts and private habits are not aligned with our outward words and actions, that misalignment causes internal strife that eventually comes to the surface in some really devastating ways.  A mentor once told me that character is who we are when no one is looking, and I agree. I see a man’s life existing in “four domains” or areas in which each of us long for fulfillment.

First, the domain of the heart — that deepest part of who we are and how we relate personally to God. Second, the domain of the home. Third, the domain of our community, which includes the Church for the Christian. Finally, the domain of life “Beyond” which refers to the ways we seek to impact our world for the better outside of our own boundaries.  All of these areas are essential, but none of them have a lasting impact until the heart is right. Likewise, when the heart is in alignment, it is a catalyst for fulfillment in every other domain of life.

As you embark on this study, let’s pray for one another — not only that we would see this through as a study, but that we would be bold enough to invite the Lord to search our hearts and change us. I can’t wait to see what God has in store!


Why is this Important?

Men must do life in community with other men. Many men get into trouble because they do life alone. Alone is dangerous. Men must build community with a trusted band of brothers — men with whom they can pray, who will come alongside in times of trouble, and who will help hold them accountable.

The Challenge

Many men prefer to do life alone. Meeting with other men requires initiative and effort. While some churches occasionally address men’s issues or have a men’s gathering, it takes much more than that to lead men to embrace God’s vision and design for biblical manhood. Encouraging men to become a part of a band of brothers who study, serve, and share adventures will result in building stronger men.

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