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ABIDE Prayer

ABIDE are guided prayers that can be used in small groups or as a personal devotional prayer.
The purpose of ABIDE is to help us draw near to God in prayer as we gather in small groups or as we spend time alone with God.

Desperate Prayers 


Today’s focus for ABIDE is on “Desperate” prayers. The word desperate can mean hopeless and feel very negative. However, the word desperate can also mean having an urgent need and desire. As God’s sons and daughters, to be desperate (have an urgent need and desire) for God means that we are depending fully on our Father and asking Him to do in and through us what is impossible apart from Him. 

Opening Prayer 

Let’s begin ABIDE by taking a moment to quiet our hearts and minds before God. Simply, take a deep breath and exhale slowly. You may want to pray a “breath” prayer as you inhale and exhale, such as, “Jesus, I rest in you.” 

(If you are leading a small group through ABIDE, pray the next prayer over those you are leading.) 

Prayer:  Lord, I give my heart and my life to you. I need you. Remove the distractions and help me focus on you. Spirit, fill me and lead this time of prayer. I consecrate this time of prayer to you. In Jesus’ Name. 

Prayers of Thanksgiving 

Slowly read John 1:14 and John 8:12: 

The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. We observed his glory, the glory as the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14)

Jesus spoke to them again: “I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows me will never walk in the darkness but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

As you read John 1:14 and John 8:12, what are you grateful for?  Take a moment and tell Jesus what you are grateful for. 

Prayer:  Jesus, I am grateful for _____________________________.  

Prayer for Our Hearts 

The woman, with fear and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell down before him, and told him the whole truth. (Mark 5:33)

In Mark 5:21-34, we can read the full account of this woman’s story who told Jesus “the whole truth.” It is the story of a woman who was desperate but had faith and fought through a crowd to reach Jesus.   

What are you going through in your life or family that you desperately need to bring to the feet of Jesus in prayer?  

Prayer:  Jesus, I desperately need you to ___________________________ (fill in the blank with whatever the Spirit is bringing to your mind as He continues to lead our hearts in prayer). 

Prayer for Others 

As the Spirit continues to lead us as we pray, what do other people around us – our families, church, community, nation and world desperately need from Jesus?  Let’s pray in faith, past the crowd of hopelessness, fear, doubt and chaos and bring the needs of others to the feet of Jesus. 

Prayer:  Jesus, we bring to you _____________________________ (fill in the blank with the first names of people or specific groups of people in need) and ask you to ______________________ (fill in the blank with what the specific needs are for the people: healing, protection, provision, deliverance, hope, etc). 

Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts before him.  God is our refuge. (Psalm 62:8)

Closing Prayer:  Jesus, thank you for meeting us in our desperation with your grace and truth. Thank you for changing the atmosphere of our hearts and transforming lives through desperate prayers. Help me/us to enjoy the healing and freedom that you give us as we remain desperate for you. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Susan Sowell
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