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ABIDE Prayer Guide

Bless the LORD

My soul, bless the LORD, and all that is within me, bless his holy name. (Psalm 103:1)

The Amplified Version for Psalm 103:1 tells us to “BLESS (AFFECTIONATELY, gratefully praise) the Lord, O my soul; and all that is [deepest] within me, bless His holy name!”

As God’s sons and daughters, there is an on-going battle for the attention within our own hearts. If we are honest, it is challenging to give our full-hearts attention to God. Affectionately blessing God is what Scripture calls our hearts to — but the world, the enemy and the battles within our own hearts pull us away from the heart of our Father and what we experience with Him when we bless Him – affectionately, gratefully and with the deepest parts of our souls.

Today’s ABIDE is an invitation to “Bless the LORD” and an invitation to become sons and daughters who love to bless the LORD and others through the Spirit’s power within us.

Opening Prayer

Let’s begin ABIDE by taking a moment to quiet our hearts and minds before God. Simply take a deep breath and exhale slowly. You may want to pray a “breath prayer” as you inhale and exhale, such as, “LORD, I bless you.”

Note: If you are leading a small group through ABIDE, pray the first prayer below over those you are leading. If you are praying ABIDE alone, use the second prayer.

Small Group Prayer: Father, we love you and we need you. Holy Spirit, fill us and lead us as we gather to pray and study Scripture. We dedicate this time to you and what you have for us to receive from you as your sons and daughters. Remove any distractions and help us to focus our hearts on you. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Personal Prayer: Father, I give my heart to you. I surrender every area of my life to you. I choose to trust you with my whole heart and with everything in my life. You are my good, good Father who loves me. Thank you for being faithful, all-knowing and all-powerful. Remove any distractions from me and help me focus on you. Holy Spirit, fill me and help me discern your voice as I pray. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Prayers to Bless the LORD

My soul, bless the LORD! LORD my God, you are very great; you are clothed with majesty and splendor. (Psalm 104:1)

Take a moment to quietly consider the majesty and splendor of the LORD. Set your mind on His greatness, His mercy, His love, His power, His faithfulness. After quietly focusing on the LORD, let’s bless Him with our hearts and prayers.

Prayer: LORD, I bless you! I bless you because you are _______________________ (fill in the blank with whatever you love about the LORD). In Jesus Name.

Prayers for our Hearts

As you read Psalm 103: 3- 4 below, what comes to mind that the LORD has done in your life? What are some specific ways the LORD has shown you His healing, forgiveness, redemption, faithful love and compassion? Let’s bless the LORD with words of thanksgiving and praise for how He has revealed Himself to us and changed our lives.

My soul, bless the LORD and do not forget all his benefits. He forgives all your inequity; he heals all your diseases. He redeems your life from the Pit; he crowns you with faithful love and compassion. (Psalm 103: 3 – 4)

Prayer: LORD, I/we bless you and thank you for_____________________________(fill in the blank with what the Spirit brings to mind as you read Psalm 103: 3- 4). In Jesus Name.

Prayers for Other’s Hearts

The LORD spoke to Moses: “Tell Aaron and his sons, ‘This is how you are to bless the Israelites. You should say to them, ‘May the LORD bless you and protect you; may the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; may the LORD look with favor on you and give you peace.’ (Numbers 6:22-26)

As God’s sons and daughters, a significant way that we bless our Father is being obedient to Him through blessing others. There are many ways we can bless others and praying for others is one of the most powerful ways to bless God and others.

Let’s pray and ask God to bless- give His grace, mercy, truth, favor, peace, provision, healing, knowledge of His love, etc. – to those the Spirit brings to mind.

Prayer: LORD, would you bless _____________________________ (fill in the blank with names of people the Spirit puts on your heart who need to receive God’s blessing) with your_______________. In Jesus Name.

Closing Prayer: LORD, you are so worthy of our heart’s attention. You have blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavens through Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1: 3). Help us become sons and daughters who bless you with hearts that are fully devoted to you. By your Spirit, empower us to bless your name and bless others as you lead us. We love you and bless you, LORD. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Susan Sowell
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