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ABIDE Prayer Guide


Aligning our Hearts with God

Let’s begin ABIDE by taking a moment to quiet our hearts and minds before God. Simply take a deep breath and exhale slowly. You may want to pray a “breath prayer” as you inhale and exhale, such as, “Jesus, you are my strength.”

Note:  If you are leading a small group through ABIDE, pray the first prayer below over those you are leading. If you are praying ABIDE alone, use the second prayer.

Prayer:  Father, we love you and we need you.  Holy Spirit, fill us and lead us as we gather to pray and study Scripture.  We dedicate this time to you and what you have for us to receive from you as your sons and daughters. Remove any distractions and help us to focus our hearts on you.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Prayer:  Father, I give my heart to you. I surrender every area of my life to you. I choose to trust you with my whole heart and with everything in my life. You are my good, good Father who loves me. Thank you for being faithful, all-knowing and all-powerful. Remove any distractions from me and help me focus on you. Holy Spirit, fill me and help me discern your voice as I pray. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

The LORD gives his people strength; the LORD blesses his people with peace. (Psalm 29:11)

God tells us in Psalm 29:11 that He “gives” His people – His sons and daughters – strength.  The word “gives” in this verse means to be constant, be durable.  Our Father’s strength (power, might, stronghold) is constant and He desires to give us His strength!

Prayers of Thanksgiving & Praise

Let’s thank our Father and praise Him for being our constant strength.  You may want to thank and praise God for specific ways He has given you His strength or specific ways He is giving you strength today.

Prayer: Father, we/I thank you and praise you for____________________________________(fill in the blank with specific ways your Father has/is giving you His strength). In Jesus’ Name.

Prayers for Our Hearts

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with my righteous right hand.  (Isaiah 41:10)

If God promises to give us constant strength, then why do we often feel the opposite of strong?  If we are honest, it’s because we often don’t ask our Father to give us His strength. We also battle the countless distractions we have that pull us away from asking our Father for His strength and receiving His strength.

Individual Prayer:  Take a moment to silently (if you are in a group) ask God to forgive you for trying to be strong apart from Him.

Group Prayer: Where do you need God’s strength in your life and family? As the Spirit brings those areas to mind, let’s pray and ask God to give us His strength.

Prayer:  Father, I need your strength in___________________________(fill in the blank with specific areas in your life & family where you need God’s strength).  Help me to receive your strength and rest in your power.  In Jesus Name.

Prayer for Other’s Hearts

I pray that he may grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with power in your inner being through his Spirit (Ephesians 3:16).

It is such a joy and gift to pray for brothers and sisters in Christ to be strengthened by the power of the Spirit within them.

Ask the Spirit to bring people to mind and pray Ephesians 3:16 over them.

Prayer:  Father, we pray for____________________________to be strengthened with the power of the Holy Spirit in his/her inner being.  Help__________________receive your strength and power as they walk with you today. In Jesus’ Name.

Closing Prayer

Father, thank you for your faithfulness in our lives. Thank you for your constant strength that you generously poured out to us through your Spirit.  Help us to be aware of your presence and your strength within us.  Give us discernment to recognize when we are relying on ourselves instead of depending on you and receiving your strength.  Remove the yoke of independence in us and free us to live more dependent on you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Susan Sowell
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