Beginning this week in ABIDE, we will be using 40 Days of Prayer to guide us as we pray. We will use one prayer each week from 40 Days of Prayer over the next 40 weeks. Our ABIDE prayers will not be the exact prayers in 40 Days of Prayer but the focus and Scripture will follow 40 Days of Prayer.
The following is the link to “40 Days of Prayer” if you would like access to it: https://empoweredhomes.org/resource/40-days-of-prayer/
Opening Prayer
Let’s begin ABIDE by taking a moment to quiet our hearts and minds before God. Simply take a deep breath and exhale slowly. You may want to pray a “breath prayer” as you inhale and exhale, such as, “Jesus, I love you.”
Note: If you are leading a small group through ABIDE, pray the first prayer below over those you are leading. If you are praying ABIDE alone, use the second prayer.
Small Group Prayer: Lord, we give our hearts and lives to you. We surrender all that is within us to you. We love you and we need you. Spirit, fill us and lead us as we pray. We consecrate this time of prayer to you. Remove any distractions and help us focus on you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Personal Prayer: Lord, I give my heart to you. I surrender every area of my life to you. I choose to trust you with my whole heart and with everything in my life. You are my good, good Father who loves me. Thank you for being faithful, all-knowing and all-powerful. Remove any distractions from me and help me focus on you. Holy Spirit, fill me and help me discern your voice as I pray. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Prayers of Praise & Thanksgiving
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever. He is the Spirit of truth. The world is unable to receive him or know him. But you do know him, because he remains with you and will be with you. (John 14:16-7)
Jesus gives us his Spirit which permanently dwells within every believer. His Spirit helps us to understand the significance of what He did for us on the cross, guiding us into further truth and freedom.
Jesus desires for every believer to live freely in His truth, without shame or condemnation. Without heavy burdens and fears. He is a good Shepherd who protects, guides, and nurtures his flock through His Spirit.
Prayer: Jesus, I praise you and thank you for your Spirit that you’ve forever placed within me. Your Spirit gives me ______________________________________.
Prayers for My Heart
Don’t you yourselves know that you are God’s temple and that the Spirit of God lives within you? (1 Corinthians 3:16)
Our hearts experience much pain and loss this side of Heaven and the enemy works in that brokenness to plant lies in our hearts that leave us feeling alone.
But, the enemy is the father of lies, and we are never alone!
We are a temple, created by God, for God. Within each of His sons and daughters His spirit resides never leaving us to our own strength or understanding.
Let’s ask Jesus to speak to our hearts and reveal to us any lies the enemy is telling us and ask Jesus to help us receive the truth that we are free!
Prayer: Jesus, please forgive me for believing the lie that____________________________ and help me to receive the truth that my body is a temple created by you which houses your Great Spirit and I am never alone.
Prayers for Others Hearts
Prayer is a miraculous gift from God through Jesus Christ. Coming to Him in prayer for those in our lives shows a deep love and compassion for them as our brothers and sisters. God delights in community, He calls us to protect one another’s heart and regularly pray for others faith.
Let’s take a few moments and pray for our brothers and sisters. As the Spirit brings people to mind, let’s battle for their hearts through prayer.
Prayer: Jesus, I pray for ________________________ to be set free from any lies of the enemy that keep them from knowing you in a greater way. Help ____________________ to receive the truth that nothing can separate your love from them. In Jesus’ Name.
Closing Prayer
Lord, we love you. Thank you for never leaving us and providing us with your Spirit. You are worthy of all praise, glory and honor. Help us to remember that wherever we go, you are there and we can call upon you. Great is thy faithfulness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.