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ABIDE Prayer: The Joy of the Lord Is Our Strength

The purpose of ABIDE is to seek God through prayer, rely on the Spirit as we gather together, and pray with unity and purpose. ABIDE prayers are Scripture-led and Spirit-focused prayers.

Read 1 Chronicles 16:25-28:

For the LORD is great and highly praised; he is feared above all gods.  For all the gods of peoples are idols, but the LORD made the heavens.  Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and joy are in his place.  Ascribe to the LORD, families, of the peoples, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.

Let’s take a couple of moments to be silent before God.  Invite God to speak to your heart.  Where do you need His strength?  What are you walking through that is painful or challenging?  What burdens are you carrying?

Ascribe to the Lord

Scripture tells us to ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.  To ascribe to the LORD means we are acknowledging and giving credit to God as being the source.  God is glory. God is strength.  Splendor and majesty are before him.  Strength and joy are in this place.

Prayer: Lord, in my _________________________(whatever God showed you during our moment of silence) thank you that you are with me in it.  I acknowledge and ascribe that you are______________________(strength, majestic, joy, glorious) in this place.

Prayer for Joy

There is joy in God’s presence.  However, it’s easy for the pain, stress and burdens of life to rob us of God’s joy.  The enemy knows that God’s joy is our strength, so he tries to rob us of God’s joy – especially when we need it the most!

Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared.  This day is sacred to our Lord.  Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10).

God is with us, so let’s ask God to give us His joy – especially where the enemy is robbing us of joy and where we need God’s strength the most in our lives.

Prayer:  God, I need your joy, and I want your joy.  I especially need your joy in______________________(fill in the blank with wherever you need God’s joy in your life).

Prayer for the Hurting

There are a lot of hurting people all around us – in our families, those we work with, those in this room.  We can ask God to make His presence known to them and give them His joy which will strengthen them as they walk through pain and trials.

Let’s pray Psalm 21:6 and Psalm 16:11 over the hurting.

Prayer: You give _______(fill in the blank with the name of someone the Spirit brings to mind) blessings forever; you cheer _______(name of person being prayed for) with joy in your presence (Psalm 21:6).

You reveal the path of life to _________(name of person being prayed for); in your presence is abundant joy; at your right hand are eternal pleasures. Make your presence known to ________(name of person being prayed for) today (Psalm 16:11).

Closing Prayer

God, thank you for your presence. Thank you for the gift of your joy that gives us strength. Restore to us the joy of our salvation and help us be aware of how the enemy is robbing us of joy. Holy Spirit, lead us and speak to our hearts as we study the Scriptures together.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Susan Sowell
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