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New Year Prayer for Families

The purpose of ABIDE is to seek God through prayer, rely on the Spirit as we gather together, and pray with unity and purpose. ABIDE prayers are Scripture-led and Spirit-focused prayers.

Read Lamentations 3:22-24, aloud as a family.

“Because of the LORD’s faithful love, we do not perish, for his mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness! I say, ‘The LORD is my portion; therefore, I will put my hope in him.”

Let’s begin praying by thanking God for His faithfulness and His blessings. We are God’s blessed sons and daughters and He has done great things for us.

Prayers of Thanksgiving

When you think of the year 2023, what are you grateful for that God did in our life, family, church and beyond?

Take time to allow each family member to respond with the following prayer-you can take turns or just encourage each member to say it as it comes to mind.

Prayer: God, thank you for _____________________________.

Prayers for God’s Hope

Scripture says, “I say, The LORD is my portion, therefore I will put my hope in him.” (Lamentations 3:24).

Take time to allow each family member to respond to the following questions.

Where do you need God’s hope today?

What are you facing that feels hopeless?

What are your fears and burdens?


Declare Hope Over the Battle

Let’s acknowledge the battles within our hearts and lives and make a decision to put our hope in God. He is LORD over all. Our Father is in control, He is faithful and when we put our hope in Him, we receive all that our hearts desperately need.

Prayer:  God, I am battling with _____________________________ (ask each family member to fill in the blank with anything that is causing fear, insecurity, pain, doubt, circumstances or robbing you of God’s peace and joy) but I choose to put my hope in you. I declare that you are greater and you are faithful!

Prayers of Exaltation

Read Psalm 138:2 aloud as a family:

I will bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to your name for your constant love and truth. You exalted your name and your promise above everything else. (Psalm 138:2)

We certainly had challenges in 2023 and we will have challenges in 2024. However, Scripture tells us that God is exalted above everything else – including the various pain and trials that we faced in 2023 or will face in 2024. Let’s rest our hearts on God by exalting His name and His promises over anything we faced or will face in 2024. Our God is greater and He is faithful!

Prayer:  God, we acknowledge that you alone are God and above everything else. We exalt you above ___________________ (fill in the blank with whatever has tried to exalt itself above God. For example: fear, confusion, job losses, sickness, our material possessions, etc).

Pray Over Your Family

God, thank you for your goodness and faithfulness. Thank you for answering us when we call to you and for increasing your strength within us. Thank you that you have gone before us in 2024 and nothing we face will be a surprise to you. You have already made provision for us to walk in your strength, power, peace, hope and joy this year. Help us keep our eyes fixed on you and your Kingdom and walk confidently with you in 2024 In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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